Our People

We are structured as project partners

Motivation is in our blood. Highest-paid, highest-responsible. Up to 90% translation fee goes to individual or joint project partners on our platform, maximizing the merits of individual expertise and brainstorm which would be unimaginable under the traditional employment structure.


We think more about translation as linguists

Linguistics is our DNA. Our proprietary "Nunchaku" translation theory guides us in complex practices, to craft accuracy-prioritized or efficiency-oriented wordings ranging from rigorous legal documents to compelling presentations.


We understand your workflows as business professionals

Professional knowledge wings our way. Our project partners with investment banking, financial and legal background can share your workload with respect to linguistic matters, allowing you to focus on the most valuable link.



We embrace technology as BPO Specialists

We delve into the realm of business process outsourcing (BPO) empowed by information technology. This covers translation memory, terminology, massive corpus search and automation technologies, either retrofitted or developed by ourselves. Adapting Google's Longest Common Subsequence algorithm to MS Word enables one-click text comparison, just one of our efficiency tools to address the challenge from multiple but fragmented references.



Email: enquiry@lingpros.com
Tel: (86) 755 8353 3589
Copyright © 2009-2017 LingPros LLP


Copyright © 2009-2017 LingPros LLP
Email: enquiry@lingpros.com